Pole Sport Organization blog
PSO Online Highlight: Tsunami, The Natural Pole Disaster
Ever wanted to do pole flips to heighten the suspense of your performance? On PSO Online, Tsunami will guide you through how to safely execute pole flips that will leave your pole peeps & even yourself in awe! Let’s get started
Timelines for PSO Virtual Competitions
Are you still a little confused about what’s up with virtual pole competitions 2020? Here’s a timeline of how they go down so that you can best prepare.
PSO Online Highlight: Kelly Elizabeth Goss
On PSO Online, Kelly teaches Spin combos and Transitions. This course is great for anyone who wishes to up their spin pole skills.
PSO Moments
Have you competed in a PSO Competition? Would you like to be highlighted across our social media platforms?
PSO Online Highlight: Alyona Amber
Alyona Amber: Exotic Dancer, @poledance.lv instructor (Latvia, Riga 🇱🇻) @sorte__store brand ambassador ♥️ www.poledance.lv, and born and raised in Rezekne. Learn advanced choreography from an exotic queen!
PSO Online Highlight: Eman
Eman is an award winning performer and full time aerial hoop and pole sport instructor. She is the co-founder at CirQular Motion, a rehab and conditioning space based in Toronto dedicated to professional circus performers and dancers.
PSO Virtual Event Updates
Thank you for participating and tuning in to our virtual events. Please find some updates below...
PSO Virtual Survey
This is a survey for past, present, and future PSO competitors! We want to know if you are interested in virtual pre-recorded competitions, virtual live competitions, or awaiting 2021 live in-person competitions.
PSO Merch Madness: Practice Makes Progress
Are you in need of your PSO merch fix? Experiencing FOMO because you didn't get a chance to grab that hot ticket item? Well have no fear, Merch Madness is here.
eBook Excerpt: Hip Flexors
Are you looking to get more flexible efficiently and safely? My name is Alicia Archer, and I started my flexibility journey as a young adult. I’ve developed 8 videos that are appropriate for those who are learning how to improve their flexibility—specifically for front and middle splits.
Pole dance competitions 2020: Fall Updates
Given the current conditions for gatherings and travel, PSO will moving to virtual competitions for the remaining 2020 events on the calendar. We will host 1 virtual competition each month for September, October, and November.
Level Quiz
The question we get asked the most often is "what level am I"? If you are brand new to PSO or looking for a refresher, check out our refreshed Level Quiz.
About Pole Sport Organization

We believe that anyone, at any level, and any age should have a chance to be on stage. We are an inclusive event, meaning no submission videos, no prerequisites, and no required moves. Just sign up, and we'll see you at the show!