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  • General Information

Pole dance competitions 2020: Fall Updates

Pole dance competitions 2020: Fall Updates
Dear PSO family,

Given the current conditions for gatherings and travel, PSO will moving to virtual pole competitions for the remaining 2020 events on the calendar. 

This doesn’t mean that we’re going away or going out of business. We simply feel that the best course of action at this time is to wait it out. With travel restrictions and ongoing new rule changes daily, we don’t feel that we can safely or reliably produce live events this year for you. 

We will host 1 virtual pole competition each month for September, October, and November.

September 19-20 - PSO Virgo - Virtual
Pacific: After Dark, Triangle, Southern
Registration Deadline August 31
2020 Artistic and Championship Qualifier 

October 10-11 - PSO Libra - Virtual
Mountain, Switzerland: After Dark, Space City
Registration Deadline: September 21

November 14-15 - PSO Scorpio - Virtual
Northwest, Great Lakes, United Kingdom, Netherlands, Portugal, Canada East
Registration Deadline: October 26

If you are 2020 pole dance competitor, ticket holder, vendor, etc, check your email for communication detailing your options.

If you haven’t tried a virtual pole competition yet, they are a fun way to break most of the regular PSO rules and put together a creative routine. We’d also love to see you in the comments stream on the upcoming virtual pole competitions to stay in touch and cheer on our competitors. 

In the meantime, we’d love for you to check out our PSO Online instructors and use your credits or dollars to purchase courses. Any purchase of an individual course directly benefits that instructor. We’d also love to see you in the comments stream on the upcoming virtual competitions to stay in touch and cheer each other on. 

We will continue to send out updates as we know more about the future. You’ll be seeing us!

- Amy & the PSO team