PSO Taiwan - Taipei is on March 29-30 - Purchase Spectator Tickets Here!


Where can I find the rules?

You can click here for the rules page!

What is the difference between Amateur and Professional?

Amateur means Levels 1-4 and winners do not move on to the National finals. Professionals are Level 5. In the USA, these winners move on to the U.S. National Pole Championships finals. 

Professional pricing in the USA is more expensive than amateur pricing. We use the funds for cash prizes at U.S. Nationals, swankier trophies, sweatshirts, and hotel stays for former champions who attend to perform and judge. 

Professional pricing in other countries is the same as amateur pricing.

Help! I need to switch from Amateur to Professional (or vice versa)!

Email us at as soon as possible with your order number, the competition you are registered for, and your desired category and level, and we will send you an invoice or refund you the difference.

Can I compete in more than one Category at an event?

Yes! You will need to purchase a separate registration for each Category you plan on participating in. You must be in the same Level per competition. For example, you may not register for Championship Level 4 and Heels Level 3.

How do I register for Doubles/Group?

Each member of a group will need to register separately. You can pay for your registrations via the website and you will automatically be entered into the Portal using the email that was used for purchase.  

Please change your Stage Name in the Portal to match the other members of your group so that we can link up members and schedule accordingly. 

Doubles/Group is not separated by Levels nor Age Groups, so there are no level rules you need to abide by. You can find the music time limits via the Rules document here. Group members may select their own pole settings so you can have both poles on spin, or both on static, or can leave them as is with stage right pole on spin and the stage left pole on static. Performers will give their pole settings to the Stage Monitors backstage at the competition.

I paid for my registration, where/how do I choose my Category and Level?

Via your account in the Portal. After registration payment is made, you will be automatically entered into the Portal using the email that was used for purchase. You may need to check your spam folder for confirmation email that lists your next steps. If you already have an account on the Portal and used a different email to purchase a registration, please email us with your order number and the email your Portal account is under so that we can manually make a switch.

What day does my division get scheduled on?

Because each event is super unique, we won't know what category/level will go on what day until the Day of Event Schedules are completed.

Doubles/Group and the Pro division typically go on Saturday evening while Heels/After Darks are typically scheduled on Sundays, but this is not guaranteed.

How do I purchase photos and video of my performance?

You can purchase on our website by typing the event name into the search bar and selecting your event. Please use the same email address as the Portal so that your photo/video order will link to your competitor registration. For events that were over a month ago, please email us at

How do I use the Zenfolio service for selecting my photos to be edited?

If you purchase a photo package, we have an outside service called Zenfolio that you will use to pick the photos that you want us to edit.

Click here for video directions. Note, the desktop version of Zenfolio is easier to navigate than the mobile site.

I shared my favorites and ordered video, how long does it take to receive them?

Links to edited photos take 14 days to receive, once favorites are shared correctly. Videos take 30 days after the event to receive. Please email us if you have made a late video order. Remember links to proofs take 21 days after an event to receive.

If you shared your favorites and have not received your edits after 14 days, please check your spam folder in case the notification landed there first and then email us at with your stage name and the event you were in.

Can I pole test? / How does pole testing work?

Yes! In general, testing is in the morning before each competition day. At larger events or events at hotels and convention centers, we often offer an additional Friday evening time. Exact pole testing times for your competition can be found on the Day of Event Schedule.

The goal of pole testing is to familiarize yourself with the stage, the floor, and the poles. Full run-throughs are not possible during this time. You should plan to spend about 2 minutes on the stage and we will make sure everyone gets a chance to test. Here's a video on what to expect.

Where can I purchase spectator tickets?

Spectator tickets can be found on our website only after the Day Of Event Schedule is released. Day of Event Schedules are released no later than one month before the competition.

My studio is not listed in the Portal, how can I add it?

Please email with the following information

Studio name:
Full address:
Phone number:
Pole and/or Aerial: