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PSO Levels and Scoring Guides

PSO Levels and Scoring Guides

You have decided to compete, hooray! Do you have no idea what level to enter or want clarity on if you need to level up? Let us help you get signed up for the right one.

Step 1: Get the Level Quiz!

Get signed up to receive our Level Quiz. Through a series of questions, we can get you headed in the right direction. Get the Level Quiz here You can also check out our handy dandy flow chart to make your life a little easier! Just a quick note: This chart is intended for entertainment purposes only. You are welcome to email us if you need help picking a level! 

Step 2: Read about the different Levels

Check out the PSO Categories, Levels, and Age Group Descriptions document for in-depth details about the Levels. It includes dos and don'ts, along with some example videos to give you a bit of guidance. Here is an example for Level 2!

LEVEL 2 - The Floor Inverter: I can invert confidently and cleanly from the ground, but cannot yet perform aerial inverts consistently or cleanly. It’s ok if I’m an instructor or paid performer, but I do not teach inverts in my classes.

Descending inverts moving down the pole are allowed.

Aerial inverts and aerial shoulder mounts are not allowed.

In all moves, dancers must maintain three points of contact with the pole while inverted, while the entire body weight is being supported by the pole. Both moves and transitions must adhere to the three points rule. For example, handsprings, a 2 points of contact move while inverted, would not be allowed.

Exceptions to the three points of contact rule: Marley and cross ankle releases are both allowed. Forearm, football grip, inverted flag grip handsprings, and ayeshas are not allowed.

Must use both spinning and static poles.

Note: If you are an instructor teaching inverts, then you must be in Level 3 or higher. Our definition of teaching means that you are giving lessons at a studio or via online or social media platforms. EXAMPLE VIDEO

Step 3: Register!

We have competitions all over, year round. Maybe you want to compete near home or travel for a new experience. You can find the calendar here!

Step 4: Rehearse and get feedback!

Develop your routine and solicit your pole family or training buddy to give you some feedback. Print out the Scoring Sheets and have them score your piece, by either video review or live run throughs. If they need some insight to what each of the elements mean, send over the Element Scoring Guide and Element Definitions.

Good luck, and as always, shoot us an email if you have additional questions!