- Self Love
From Visualizing It to Nailed It

Raise your hand if you have ever made a to-do list? Did you get a feel of satisfaction when you crossed an item off your list?
Not your thing? How about this one.
Have you ever scrolled through your Instagram feed or stalked your favorite poler on Facebook? Seen a move/combo that you added to your #goals list? And when you finally nailed it, you had a celebration moment?
Whether you fall into one scenario or both, you have proven that you are more likely to achieve your goals if you write them down. So let’s talk about how we get from visualizing it to nailed it.
It’s December 31, 2020, and you are reflecting on the year, what do you point to and say “Nailed It”?
What potholes do you see in your path from visualizing it to nailed it?
What do you need to let go of to drive through those potholes like you're rolling in a Texas edition F-150 (Ford is the best in Texas 🤠)?
Here comes the challenge. Set aside time over the next week to put pen to paper or thumbs to screens, and journal about those three questions. Need some inspiration? Let me share a summary of my exercise.
December 31st, I will be pointing to my commitment to dancing every week. I’ve been told my smile is bigger and brighter when I move. You can feel the joy that it brings me. At the end of the year, I will be stamping #nailedit next to my dancing weekly goal.
Ugh, life is my consistent pothole. So many projects, meetings, travels, events, etc. Letting other things trump the priority of dance in my life, is the meteor sized pothole laden road I have to steer through.
I need to let go of the feeling of needing to do things because I am capable or have the skill set. Just because I can do it, doesn’t mean I should or have to.
At the end of your journaling exercise, your next step is to make a schedule that takes you from one stoplight to the next on your journey down the road of visualizing it to nailed it. Write it down, create calendar invites, or schedule alarms to hold yourself accountable.
Then, find moments to journal and reflect along the way. What did you toast to this week? What navigation rerouting do you need to make to keep you on your path? I look forward to hearing about your success and fist-pumping in your honor when you’ve Nailed It. And feel free to follow my journey on my insta @msshaybutta. I even encourage accountability DMs (It takes a village!).
About Pole Sport Organization

We believe that anyone, at any level, and any age should have a chance to be on stage. We are an inclusive event, meaning no submission videos, no prerequisites, and no required moves. Just sign up, and we'll see you at the show!