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Captivating Elements - What Makes a Performance Great?

Wow, now that was something spectacular!
Have you ever watched a piece and found yourself having similar sentiments? Now I am not talking about being amazed by the tricks or the costume, but being memorized by the performance overall. That is the factor that I want to dissect today. What makes a performance captivating?
How well are you communicating your intention of this performance? From the moment you step out of the wings until you walk off the stage, are you genuinely committed to delivering an authentic piece? Whether you are depicting a character/summation of a story or simulating the mood of an instrumental or heavy-ladened track, you should be so connected to that concept that it engrosses your every step and breath. In jest, if you don't feel it or believe it, then you should assume the audience won't either.
If you feel awkward in presenting your piece, you can guarantee your audience will feel that. Consider that Practice makes Progress. Be consistent in your preparation. The more times you do it, the movements will become second nature, the anxiety will lessen, and the more control you will have with your breathing and performance. When you enjoy your composition, coupled with mastering your movement, you cannot help but ooze confidence. And confidence is captivating.
Bringing the audience along with you on the journey through your piece is as strategic as it is magical. Are you making eye contact? Are you giving them photographic moments to appreciate the stillness and shapes you are creating? Are you conveying in such a way that your emotions become their emotions? If you have ever watched a movie and felt that single tear creeping down your cheek or fist-pumped in a moment of celebration, you were engaged. At that instant, you connected to an emotion or personal experience that locked you in for the journey. Consider incorporating sequences in your routine that not only grabs your audience's attention but encourages them to transcend.
As I reflect on great performances that I have seen, sourced some insight from judges across many art forms, it is those three things that elevate them from okay to great.
About Pole Sport Organization

We believe that anyone, at any level, and any age should have a chance to be on stage. We are an inclusive event, meaning no submission videos, no prerequisites, and no required moves. Just sign up, and we'll see you at the show!