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Amateurs Welcome! Performance skills are LEARNED not INNATE

Amateurs Welcome! Performance skills are LEARNED not INNATE

Today, we want to introduce you to Taylor K, an Exotic Level 2 competitor. Just like you, she has:

  • No previous experience performing pole.
  • Nerves and anticipation.
  • Courage and grit!

After the competition, she posted: "I'm still on cloud 9! I had such an amazing weekend watching all the pole routines and competing for the first time. I already loved pole but meeting so many amazing women and men who were all so supportive made me love it even more!! see you next year! Check her full video out here, and you can follow her on Instagram @_tay_tay23


The big takeaway here is that performance is a LEARNED skill, just like everything else in pole. Remember when you couldn’t fireman spin, or pole sit without bruising, or do even one basic climb? You LEARNED how to do those things. The more times you practice, the better you get, and the same goes for performing.

At Pole Sport Organization, we believe that everyone can have their moment on stage, with the same lighting, same theaters, and same quality photos and videos as professional polers.

We have a Panic Button Guarantee too, so you can cancel your registration and get a full refund in 24 hours if you wake up the day after signing up and realize it was a mistake.

Sound interesting? Try taking our Level Quiz next to figure out where you land :)