PSO Golden Gate - San Francisco is on March 1-2 - Purchase Spectator Tickets Here!

2022 Sponsor and Vendor Info

2022 Sponsor and Vendor Info
Anyone else #PSOready for 2022?! We just wrapped up the 2021 event season and are excited for what is to come in the new year! If you are interested in being a sponsor for our 2022 PSO events, registration is now open. Please view this packet for more details: General Sponsorship Information for 2022. The deadline to register for the 2022 event season is January 31, 2022.


In-Person Sponsors

Sponsors must choose at least one region for their sponsorship - Canada, USA, Asia, and/or Europe.

An automatic discount will be applied at checkout for this product.

Once you've signed up for a sponsorship region, PSO will send an email confirmation with further instructions. You can choose from the following sponsorship options:

  • Product Sponsor: Put your product in 100-250 competitor gifts bags for a competition.

  • Sponsor prizes in the form of discounts for competitors, about 35 per show (1st, 2nd, 3rd place) We announce you as a sponsor and promote you on our website and ticket sales emails.


Virtual Sponsors

We're #PSOVirtual! Our quarterly events have had an average of 150 competitors and 200 spectators. We use a private streaming platform called Crowdcast which allows us to chat and cheer for each other as we go along.


Virtual sponsors can participate in the following ways:

1. Discount codes - You can give a discount code to purchase your product. We will promote these in the live chat at each event. These are free for you to give.

An automatic discount will be applied at checkout for this option.

2. Video ad spots - We offer virtual event ad spots for $20 per event for 30 seconds at any virtual event starting January 2022. Video ads are limited to 2 ads per sponsor per event. Each ad will be shown twice on the stream (1x per day if the event is 2 day and 2x per day if the event is 1 day). 

Ads will be due on the same day as the competitor videos, which is generally 2 weeks before the event. Please create your ad in landscape and submit as a video file (ex. MOV, MP4).


Vendor Booths

PSO is offering one free vendor booth to all vendors. We hope that this will support you and your business as we reopen. To redeem your free vendor booth, please use the discount code PSOVENDOR22 at checkout. Discounts are limited to one per vendor.
Your booth includes:
  • 6' table + enough space for up to one 4' rolling rack

  • 2 chairs

  • 2 tickets to event for booth staff

  • Wireless internet (usually free, maximum $16/day/device)

  • Electricity (you supply extension cords and power strips)

  • Your brand announced at event

  • Ability to post in our competitor groups on Facebook (250+ members per group)

Vendor packets are linked here. They will be updated with exact setup times about 7 weeks before the event.

If you need to purchase insurance for the event, directions to purchase from our suggested agent are linked here.

If you purchase the 3 booth pack, please email us at ASAP with your event choices. Some events this year have very limited venue lobby space, so they are first come, first served.