PSO Pacific - Los Angeles is on March 8-9 - Purchase Spectator Tickets Here!

  • General Information

2021 Sponsor Info - FREE packages for pole companies

2021 Sponsor Info - FREE packages for pole companies
Hi, friends! Usually this time of year we are gearing up for 2021 and releasing our sponsorship packages. This year, we know that it has been a challenging one for all of us small businesses. We have put together free or very affordable vendor options below that we hope will help you get your businesses up and running again. 

Virtual event options

Our virtual events have been a really fun time for the community during covid. We’ve been super impressed with the creativity of the competitors and seeing everyone’s homes, studios, and even outdoor pole spaces! 

Our monthly events have had an average of 150 competitors and 200 spectators. We use a private streaming platform called Crowdcast which allows us to chat and cheer for each other as we go along. The comments thread sounds exactly like a live PSO event...filled with YAS QUEENs, get its, you got this’s, I know hers, and lots of positivity. I love seeing how supportive everyone is!

1. Discount codes - You can give a discount code to purchase your product. We will promote these in the live chat and in the competitor packets. These are free for you to give. You will receive an email back with a form where you can fill out your company information and provide us with the discount code for competitors and spectators.

2. Video ad spots - We have started offering virtual event ad spots for $20 for 30 seconds at all virtual events. Each ad will be shown twice on the stream (1x per day if the event is 2 day and 2x per day if the event is 1 day).  You will receive an email back with a form where you can fill out your company information and upload your video ad.

Ads will be due on the same day as the competitor videos, which is generally 2 weeks before the event. You can see the exact dates on our calendar. Please create your ad in landscape and submit as a video file (ex. MOV, MP4).

Live event options 

Several of you have been asking about 2021 live event sponsorships. I want to hold off on dealing with live events because we just have too much uncertainty of when those are going to happen. We will be in touch later about those options.

A preview however - PSO is going to be offering one free vendor booth to all vendors. We hope that this will support you and your business as we reopen. When we have a live event schedule, we will contact you again about the process for this.

Hang in there, everyone! 
